13 Nov, 2024

Reishi mushroom benefits for your dog

Irina Turcan
Reishi mushroom benefits for your dog

What the fluff is reishi?

Before we discuss reishi mushroom benefits for dogs, let’s sit for a moment and talk about what the ingredient is. Because this isn’t just any old mushroom. This is a species of medicinal mushroom, which people prize for its ability to support different aspects of wellbeing. And not only in our pups – reishi is a popular functional food for us humans too.

Known in Chinese medicine as lingzhi and scientifically as Ganoderma lucidum, reishi mushrooms are large and dark orangey-red. You can identify the fungus by its flat, glossy, fan-shaped caps – although you’re unlikely to see them in the wild. Speaking of which, even if you do, you should never let your pup chow down on wild mushrooms. This is not a safe way to get reishi mushroom benefits for dogs. It’s simply too hard to recognise which fungi are harmless and which are toxic.

Reishi earned the nickname ‘the mushroom of immortality’ thanks to its impressive medicinal properties, and people now cultivate it worldwide. They do so to use the fungus in traditional and alternative medicine systems, and as a complementary doggie wellness supplement.

It's important to note from the outset that research into reishi mushroom benefits for dogs is still in its infancy. However, the findings so far are promising. From supporting the immune system to alleviating the negative effects of stress, this potent fungus has a lot to offer. On top of which, it’s easy to add to your pup’s diet. But we’re bounding ahead of ourselves! First we’ll cover reishi mushroom benefits for dogs, then we’ll look at how to feed it to your pet.

Immunity-related reishi mushroom benefits for dogs

One of the best-known reishi mushroom benefits for dogs is that the fungus can support your pup’s immune system. A healthy immune system is important for countless reasons. It helps your pooch to fight off infections and diseases, plus recover from them more effectively and experience milder symptoms.

There are a few mechanisms through which reishi supports immunity. First, it’s rich in a type of polysaccharide called beta-glucan. There are many benefits of beta-glucan for dogs, one of which is bolstering the immune system. Studies show it – along with other polysaccharides in reishi – can stimulate certain kinds of immune cells.(1) These include natural killer cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages.

What’s more, beta-glucan is a prebiotic, which means it nourishes the good bacteria in your pup’s digestive system. That’s beneficial for immunity because approximately 70% of your dog’s immune cells are in their gut.

Additional immunity-related reishi mushroom benefits for dogs arise thanks to other bioactive compounds they contain, like triterpenes. As well as activating specific sorts of immune cells, these possess significant anti-inflammatory properties.(2) This is relevant to your pet’s immune system because chronic inflammation can raise the risk of several harmful health conditions.

The fact that the fungus has impressive antioxidant properties results in even more immune system-related reishi mushroom benefits for dogs. Research shows that a diet bursting with antioxidants helps to support a healthy immune system in our beloved canine friends.(3)

Finally, some studies indicate that this fab fungus has antiviral effects, helping to ward off conditions like influenza.(4) However, we need further investigation to clarify if this is one of the true reishi mushroom benefits for dogs.

Stress-busting reishi mushroom benefits for dogs

It’s clear to see that supporting your pup’s immune system could be hugely advantageous. Yet there are many more reishi mushroom benefits for dogs for us to get excited about. And one that we’re particularly interested in here at Boosie is its potential to ease stress.

Like all medicinal mushrooms you can give your pet, reishi acts as an adaptogen. That means it helps to reduce the negative impacts of stress on the mind and body. This could be especially beneficial for pups who suffer with separation anxiety or comparable issues. Furthermore, reducing stress is another way that the ingredient has a positive influence on immunity.

In a similar vein, there are also potential reishi mushroom benefits for dogs when it comes to sleep. Studies have found that the fungus exerts an anti-insomnia effect and can lengthen the duration of slumber.(5) Just like us, sleep is vital for pups. It helps their brain development, learning, memory, immune system, and much more. A lack of shuteye might even put them in a bad mood – another thing they have in common with us!

Other reishi mushroom benefits for dogs

We’re not finished yet! There are still a few more potential reishi mushroom benefits for dogs to explore. One of these is the possibility of helping with blood sugar management, which is particularly relevant for dogs with diabetes. Research suggests that the fungus might be able to increase insulin levels, improve insulin resistance, and decrease blood glucose.(6) While these results are promising, be sure to consult your vet before feeding your pup reishi if they have diabetes.

Another condition that researchers are curious about when it comes to reishi mushroom benefits for dogs is cancer. Test-tube studies have revealed that the fungus has the potential to induce death in cancer cells.(7) In addition, reishi could be beneficial for human and canine patients undergoing treatment for the disease. For instance, one study gave pups who were having chemotherapy a blend of medicinal mushrooms – including reishi. The researchers found that the dogs experienced fewer chemotherapy symptoms thanks to the positive effects on their white blood cells.(8) Again, however, we don’t recommend giving any pet undergoing chemotherapy any functional fungi without the approval of a professional vet.

Lastly, there may be some reishi mushroom benefits for dogs with allergies. The fungus contains triterpenoids, like ganoderic acid, which prevent the release of histamine.(9) As such, it acts as a natural antihistamine and could ease symptoms like itching and sneezing. The fact that the mushroom has anti-inflammatory properties further bolsters its positive effects in this area.

Is reishi mushroom safe for dogs?

That covers the main reishi mushroom benefits for dogs. But are there any downsides to the ingredient? How can dogs have reishi mushrooms safely? Experts generally agree this functional fungus is safe for our canine companions to eat, provided you follow a few guidelines. Don’t worry though – these are all fairly straightforward.

For instance, never exceed the recommended dosage of reishi indicated on your chosen product. And remember that this might decrease if you’re planning on giving your pet other medicinal mushrooms or functional foods. It will also vary according to the size of your dog.

Next, there’s always a slim chance that your pup could be allergic to mushrooms. If this is the case, reishi unfortunately won’t be suitable for them. Even if you’re not aware of such an allergy, keep an eye on your pet when you feed them reishi. If you notice any negative side effects at all, stop feeding them the ingredient and book a vet appointment.

There are other groups of dogs we don’t recommend giving functional fungi to as well. These include puppies, and dogs who are pregnant or nursing. The reason for this is there hasn’t yet been enough research to establish the safety of reishi for these animals. Of course, they’ll be able to get these reishi mushroom benefits for dogs once they’ve grown up or stopped nursing!

Finally, never give your pet the same reishi products that you take yourself. Although pups can eat some human food, when it comes to medicinal fungi, they need powders created just for them. And always check with your vet before adding a new functional food of any kind to their diet.

Can dogs eat reishi mushrooms every day?

Let’s talk about the impact of timing on reishi mushroom benefits for dogs. With such potential for supporting wellness, it may be tempting to feed your pet the fungus every day. However, this isn’t necessarily the best approach. Rather, it’s a good idea to give your pup reishi in cycles. Allow us to elaborate.

Many of the reishi mushroom benefits for dogs we’ve discussed are thanks to the ingredient’s immunomodulatory effects. Because it’s quite potent, having a break from taking it helps ensure that your pet won’t overstimulate their immune system. Similarly, it also prevents them from building up a tolerance to the ingredient. By pausing their intake, your pup could continue to enjoy these reishi mushroom benefits for dogs for longer.

As a rough guide, we recommend stopping the use of reishi for a few weeks after eight weeks of feeding it to your pooch. During those eight weeks, you may give reishi to your dog every day if you want to.

Can dogs have reishi mushrooms if they’ve got a medical condition?

Several of the reishi mushroom benefits for dogs we’ve talked about relate to specific medical conditions. However, as mentioned above, we don’t recommend adding the fungus to your pet’s diet if they have one of them. At least, not before speaking to your vet about it. That’s because the ingredient might not be suitable for your pup’s individual needs. This is especially important if your dog is taking any kind of medication. Seeking professional veterinary advice will help ensure they don’t experience unwanted interactions between their medicine and reishi.

We also want to emphasise that these reishi mushroom benefits for dogs don’t mean the ingredient is a substitute for professional veterinary care or treatment. If you have any concerns at all about your pet’s health, book them an appointment. It’s what our fluffy friends deserve!

How to add reishi to your dog’s diet

If you like the sound of your pet enjoying these reishi mushroom benefits for dogs, we’ve got more good news. Adding it to your pooch’s diet is easy. You don’t have to faff around with sourcing and preparing fresh mushrooms for them! Instead, we prefer using reishi powder. It’s really convenient – all you need to do is mix it into your dog’s regular wet food.

With regard to our reishi powder, we suggest using ¼-½ a teaspoon per 10kg of your pup’s body weight daily. You can divide this into two or three doses over the day depending on your pet’s preferences. And if they’re a fussy eater, try starting with a smaller amount and building up to the full dosage.

Introducing our organic reishi mushroom powder for dogs

We know we sound like a broken record saying this, but quality is paramount in functional foods! You need to choose a high-end product if you want your pup to enjoy these reishi mushroom benefits for dogs. Which is precisely why we partner with the very finest mycologists and use state-of-the-art facilities to produce ours.

Our team cultivates these funky fungi on natural and organic substrates, which give them all the nutrients they need. After harvesting, they carefully clean and dry the mushrooms before grinding them into a fine powder. Rest assured that we don’t sneak in any additives like artificial colourings, flavourings, or preservatives. What your precious pup receives will be 100% pure organic reishi powder – specially created for pets.

We love animals here at Boosie, so we strive to craft the very best functional foods for them. In line with this, we have our reishi tested by an independent and accredited lab. They verify that the fungus is rich in potent compounds and free of any contaminants. All of which gives your pup the maximum chance of enjoying the reishi mushroom benefits for dogs we’ve covered. That’s sure to get their tail wagging!

Final thoughts on reishi mushroom benefits for dogs

We hope this overview of potential reishi mushroom benefits for dogs has shown you just how impressive this fungus is. While not a substitute for veterinary treatment, it could help support your pup’s immune system and wider wellbeing. So, why not check with your vet and see if they think it’s suitable for your pet?